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Director's Corner

Hello Simpson Park Camp Family,

I want to provide you with a quick update as to what has been happening here at Simpson Park Camp since Camp Meeting. From early August until mid September, we have hosted the following groups:

  • Woodhaven High School Marching Band

  • Linden High School Marching Band

  • Liberty Free Will Baptist Youth Camp

  • Youth For Christ Day Camp

  • Calvary Chapel from Wisconsin Youth Service Project

  • Real Life Christian Church Youth Group

  • Clarkston Community Church Youth Service Project

  • Fishermen’s Net Church Men’s Retreat

  • Pastoral personal retreat

  • Eagle Scout Ceremony

  • Macomb Youth Soccer began practices in mid-August and fall matches have begun

  • More than a Bus ministry continues to prepare food for the homeless in the dining hall multiple times each week

God has continued to bless the ministries of Simpson Park Camp. Thank you for your support!

Prayers As God brings this ministry to your mind, I would ask for your prayers for the following

  • Grace Church Bible Conference in the Nixon Tabernacle next weekend.

  • Our barn will be open and part of the Romeo Tour next weekend – Thank you Bruce Patterson for staffing that during the tour.

  • Later this month we will be hosting the Kensington Church Men’s retreat.

Projects We are working on many projects this fall, among them, we are renovating the last of the Townley Duplexes and Tiny Tots. If you ever have the urge to serve, we can always use an extra set of hands.

The volunteer team from Calvary Chapel Church produced a video to document their time here. If you have a moment, it is worth a look, it can be found at this link:

Youth Fall Retreat

Lastly, I hope your son/daughter is planning to attend our Fall Youth Retreat. Quinton Cook and his team are planning an amazing time for kids to connect with God and with each other. The dates for the retreat are November 5-7. Registration can be made at!/home/auth/login?r=simpsonpark



Doug Kelley, Director

Simpson Park Camp




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